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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Clean India starts with a Clean Home

If a human being really believes in themselves, the whole world echoes their call... Mr. Narendra Modi stands testimony to this fact.

The Clean India Mission really took off on a very successful note. The truly admirable thing about it was that Mr. Modi was able to bring the common man/woman with their 'brooms and brushes' out on the streets.

Presumably, some of the lot were people who did not share Mr. Modi's conviction that we could really be a lot 'cleaner', literally as well as figuratively; many of us were of the opinion that cleanliness is our neighbours' job. 

So far, so good. But the real question Mr. Modi really has been asking (and one which half of the lot have not been able to grasp) is this one: IS A CLEAN HOME TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR? DO WE NEED THE HON'BLE PM OF THE COUNTRY TO TELL US TO STOP LIVING LIKE PIGS...???

We don't need the brains of Einstein to figure out that Mr. Modi can give us a Clean India, only if we are willing to give ourselves a Clean Home.

Do we dispose off our waste responsibly..?? Do we live in synch with nature..???

Do we use resources only as and when need warrants?? Or are we lords of glutton, eventually throwing our lints, lice and left-overs in our neighbours' backyard ??

For me the mission means:

1. Prudent use of resources at home.
2. Avoiding wastage -- be it food, fuel or face packs.
3. Disposing off waste responsibly
4. Helping, in ways small and big, to minimise pollution -- environmental as well as otherwise. An clean mind is as much my responsibility as a clean house. 
5. Avoiding the use of non-degradable material.

'Nough said... !!! More for later... time to prune my garden...

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